Reflect of Reading habits
Let's take a look at some photos: It is hard to know what kind of books are the people in this library reading, but we can make a guess. In this library some people came to make a project, a research or to complete a task. Therefore, they are guided to read some specific texts about the topic of their work. These may be articles, scientific texts, encyclopaedias... But also, people may have come to the library just to enjoy their free time by reading a book. This book choice will depend on their own preferences. For this reason, the first readers in this library may feel a bit stressed or anxious about the work they have to develop, while the others may feel relaxed and glad they can have a good time reading. In this second picture we can see an old woman reading a book to a child. I think they are reading a story together, maybe a tale. They seem to be enjoying this moment of reading together as they are spending quality time together as a family, as I think they are mum and daug...